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HomeStates-UTJharkhand (Ranchi)JSSC Recruitment 2024: JPMCCE-2023 for Selection of 2485 Paramedical Professionals Posts Sarkari...

JSSC Recruitment 2024: JPMCCE-2023 for Selection of 2485 Paramedical Professionals Posts Sarkari Naukri announced


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The Jharkhand Para Medical Combined Competitive Exam, JPMCCE-2023 (Regular Vacancy) for Selection of 2485 Paramedical Professionals (Pharmacist, Laboratory Technician, X-ray Technician, Nurse Category-A) Posts has been announced by Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC), Ranchi. झारखंड कर्मचारी चयन आयोग (जेएसएससी), रांची द्वारा 2485 पारामेडिकल प्रोफेशनल ( फार्मासिस्ट, प्रयोगशाला प्रावैधिक, एक्सरे तकनीशियन, परिचारिका श्रेणी-ए ) के पदों के चयन के लिए झारखंड पारा मेडिकल संयुक्त प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा, (जे.पी.एम.सी.सी.ई.) – 2023 (नियमित भर्ती) के आयोजन की घोषणा की गई है।

The recruitment will be made through competitive exam.

Information regarding the schedule of competitive examination will be published separately, which can be seen on the website of the organisation. प्रतियोगी परीक्षा के कार्यक्रम की जानकारी अलग से प्रकाशित की जाएगी, जिसे संगठन की वेबसाइट पर देखा जा सकता है।

Applicants have to apply for the advertised posts strictly as per the details provided on the organisation’s website.

All further announcements/ details pertaining to this advertisement will only be published/ provided on organization’s website from time to time. Candidates are advised to regularly keep in touch with the authorized website of organization for details and updates.

JSSC Recruitment 2024: JPMCCE-2023 (Regular) Vacancy for Government Jobs / Sarkari Naukri : Current Vacancies

Advt. No.: 20 / 2023

Current Vacancies :2485

Details of current vacancies are as follows;1

Vacant PostsNo. of Vacancy
प्रयोगशाला प्रावैधिक
Laboratory Technician
एक्सरे तकनीशियन
X-ray Technician
परिचारिका श्रेणी-ए
Nurse Category-A

JSSC Recruitment 2024: JPMCCE-2023 (Regular) Vacancy for Government Jobs / Sarkari Naukri : Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualifications, Experiences, Age:

Vacant PostsEducational Qualifications & ExperiencesAge
(समूह – ग)
भारत में किसी भी मान्यता प्राप्त शैक्षणिक संस्थानों से 10वीं एवं (10+2)वीं या आई.एस.सी. कक्षा उत्तीर्ण
तकनीकी योग्यता – राज्य सरकार के फार्मेसी स्कूल, राँची / पटना अथवा भारत / राज्य सरकार से मान्यता प्राप्त संस्थान से डिप्लोमा इन फार्मेसी / बी. फार्मा उत्तीर्ण ।
झारखंड राज्य फार्मेसी निबंधन प्राधिकरण / राज्य फार्मेसी काउंसिल, झारखंड से निबंधित होना आवश्यक ।

Passed 10th and (10+2) or ISC class from any recognized educational institutions in India.

Technical Qualification – Diploma in Pharmacy/B.Pharma from State Government Pharmacy School, Ranchi/Patna or Institute recognized by Government of India/State. pass .
It is necessary to be registered with Jharkhand State Pharmacy Registration Authority / State Pharmacy Council, Jharkhand.
Minimum : 18 year as on 1/8/2023
Maximum: 35 year as on 1/8/2019
Laboratory Technician
प्रयोगशाला प्रावैधिक
(समूह – ग)
भारत में किसी भी मान्यता प्राप्त शैक्षणिक संस्थानों से 10वीं एवं (10+2)वीं या आई.एस.सी. कक्षा उत्तीर्ण ।
तकनीकी योग्यता – राज्य सरकार के प्रशिक्षण संस्थान, यथा-आर एम सी एच राँची / रिम्स राँची / पी एम सी एच पटना / डी एम सी एच दरभंगा आदि अथवा भारत / राज्य सरकार से मान्यता प्राप्त संस्थान से प्रयोगशाला प्रावैधिक प्रशिक्षण उत्तीर्ण ।

झारखंड राज्य पारामेडिकल काउंसिल से निबंधित होना आवश्यक ।

Passed 10th and (10+2) or ISC class from any recognized educational institutions in India.

Technical Qualification – Passed laboratory practical training from State Government training institute like RMCH Ranchi / RIMS Ranchi / PMCH Patna / DMCH Darbhanga etc. or institute recognized by the Government of India / State.
Must be registered with Jharkhand State Paramedical Council.

Minimum : 18 year as on 1/8/2023
Maximum: 35 year as on 1/8/2019
X-ray Technician
एक्सरे तकनीशियन
(समूह – ग)
भारत में किसी भी मान्यता प्राप्त शैक्षणिक संस्थानों से (10+2)-विज्ञान वीं या आई.एस.सी. / 2010 के पूर्व 10+2 या इंटरमीडियट / 1994 के पूर्व 10वीं या मैट्रिक उत्तीर्ण ।

तकनीकी योग्यता –
डी एम आर (डिप्लोमा इन मेडिकल रेडियोग्राफी – एक्स रे / सी टी स्कैन / यू एस जी / एम आर आई टेक्निशियन / 2010 के पूर्व 10+2 या इंटरमीडियट उत्तीर्णता के साथ एक्सरे प्रावैधिक डिप्लोमा / 1994 के पूर्व मैट्रिक उत्तीर्णता के साथ एक्सरे प्रावैधिक डिप्लोमा ।

झारखंड राज्य पारामेडिकल काउंसिल से निबंधित होना आवश्यक ।

Passed (10+2)-Science or I.Sc. / 10+2 or Intermediate before 2010 / 10th or Matriculation before 1994 from any recognized educational institutions in India.

Technical Qualification – DMR (Diploma in Medical Radiography – X-Ray / CT Scan / USG / MRI Technician / 10+2 or Intermediate passed before 2010 with X-ray Technician Diploma / Matriculation passed before 1994 X-Ray Technician Diploma.

Must be registered with Jharkhand State Paramedical Council.
Minimum : 18 year as on 1/8/2023
Maximum: 35 year as on 1/8/2019
Nurse Category-A
परिचारिका श्रेणी-ए (समूह – ग)
भारत में किसी भी मान्यता प्राप्त शैक्षणिक संस्थानों से (10+2)-विज्ञान वीं या आई.एस.सी. (Phy. Che. Bio.) उत्तीर्ण ।

तकनीकी योग्यता –
3 बर्ष 6 माह का जी एन एम (जेनरल नर्सिंग मिडवाइफरी) प्रशिक्षण उत्तीर्ण ।

झारखंड राज्य पारामेडिकल काउंसिल से निबंधित होना आवश्यक ।

Passed (10+2)-Science or I.Sc. (Phy., Che., Bio) from any recognized educational institutions in India.

Passed 3 years 6 months GNM (General Nursing Midwifery) training.

Must be registered with Jharkhand State Paramedical Council.
Minimum : 18 year as on 1/8/2023
Maximum: 35 year as on 1/8/2019

The age limit will be relaxable as per rules and details provided on the organisation’s website.

Applicants have to refer the detailed advertisement available on organisation’s website for further details.

JSSC Recruitment 2024: JPMCCE-2023 (Regular) Vacancy for Government Jobs / Sarkari Naukri : Selection Procedure

Vacant PostsSelection Procedure
फार्मासिस्ट, प्रयोगशाला प्रावैधिक, एक्सरे तकनीशियन, परिचारिका श्रेणी-ए
Pharmacist, Laboratory Technician, X-ray Technician, Nurse Category-A
Jharkhand Para Medical Combined Competitive Exam, JPMCCE-2023 (Regular Vacancy) as per syllabus and criterions provided with detailed advertisement2

Information regarding the schedule of competitive examination will be published separately, which can be seen on the website of the organisation. प्रतियोगी परीक्षा के कार्यक्रम की जानकारी अलग से प्रकाशित की जाएगी, जिसे संगठन की वेबसाइट पर देखा जा सकता है।

Applicants must visit company’s website for detailed and updated information regarding selection procedure.

JSSC Recruitment 2024: JPMCCE-2023 (Regular) Vacancy for Government Jobs / Sarkari Naukri : Important Dates

Vacant PostsStarting date and time of online application for registrationLast date to apply onlineLast date for payment of Examination Fee
फार्मासिस्ट, प्रयोगशाला प्रावैधिक, एक्सरे तकनीशियन, परिचारिका श्रेणी-ए
Pharmacist, Laboratory Technician, X-ray Technician, Nurse Category-A
23/1/2024 22/2/202426/2/2024

Further, candidates are advised to visit official website of the organisation on regular basis to get latest updates.

JSSC Recruitment 2024: JPMCCE-2023 (Regular) Vacancy for Government Jobs / Sarkari Naukri : How to Apply3

Vacant PostsMode of ApplicationAddress / Link for Application
फार्मासिस्ट, प्रयोगशाला प्रावैधिक, एक्सरे तकनीशियन, परिचारिका श्रेणी-ए
Pharmacist, Laboratory Technician, X-ray Technician, Nurse Category-A

Candidates are required to apply Online through URL links available on the Organisation’s website. / Applicants have to apply for the advertised posts strictly as per the details provided on the organisation’s website.

Application Procedure:

Following 4 Steps are required to be followed by the applicants to apply online:

Step 1 : Registration : First Candidate needs to register into the portal4 to apply : In this first stage of registration, the candidates need to fill details such as name, father’s name, mother’s name, DOB, Gender, marital status, category, aadhaar no and communication information like address, mobile no., e-mail ID, Educational Qualification, preferential qualification and address. After entering the required details click on ‘Next’ button to see a preview of the details entered for verification. Once submitted the registration number will be generated and OTP will be sent to registered mobile number and email id.

Step 2 : Activation : After completion of Primary stage (Step-1), OTP will be sent to candidate’s registered mobile number and registered E-mail id. Candidate can activate his/her application by using the “Activate through OTP” option in the portal. The candidate can proceed further after the activation of application.

Step 3 : Payment ( भुगतान करें ) :Candidate is required to make an Application Fee Payment. He/ She can pay the fees through the URL given in the Payment Stage. Payment can be done only through SBI Payment Gateway. There is no refund for candidates who make multiple payments.
After completion of payment, the Registration number will be generated and the candidate can take print of his application.

Step 4 : Photo and Document upload : After successful completion of payment, candidate must login and upload scanned copy of his/ her photo, signature and applicable documents and complete the registration process. Candidate should take print of the acknowledgment (Application) and keep it for all future references.

The candidates are required strictly to apply as per the instructions provided in the detailed advertisement posted at Organization’s website.

Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission, Ranchi (झारखंड कर्मचारी चयन आयोग, राँची (JSSC) 5

The Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission(J.S.S.C.) has been constituted by the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission Act 2008 (Jharkhand Act 16, 2008) which was published vide Gazette notification no. 829 dt. 6 December 2008 of Jharkhand Government. The Act was amended by Jharkhand Act 03,2011 and Jharkhand Act 19,2011; published vide Gazette notification nos. 153 dt. 24 February 2011 and 687 dt. 11 October 2011 respectively.

Initially The Office of the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission was located at Dhurwa, Ranchi, till 01-08-2016. Since the accommodation fell short of the actual requirements of the Commission, its office was shifted to Kalinagar, Chaay Bagan, Namkum, Ranchi, Jharkhand – 834010


Kalinagar, Chaay Bagan, Namkum, Ranchi, Jharkhand – 834010

E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +91-9264431721

JSSC Recruitment 2024: JPMCCE-2023 (Regular) Vacancy for Government Jobs / Sarkari Naukri : Detailed Advertisement and Reference Links

  1. https://jssc.nic.in/sites/default/files/Brochure_JPMCCE-2023_Regular_Vacancy.pdf ↩︎
  2. https://jssc.nic.in/sites/default/files/Brochure_JPMCCE-2023_Regular_Vacancy.pdf ↩︎
  3. https://jssc.nic.in/sites/default/files/Brochure_JPMCCE-2023_Regular_Vacancy.pdf ↩︎
  4. https://jssc.nic.in/application-forms-apply ↩︎
  5. https://jssc.nic.in/ ↩︎


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